Charred Brussel Sprouts

Hey guys do you like Brussel sprouts?

For most of my teenage years and earlier I hated Brussels, they looked like little brains and I thought they tasted like farts (not that I knew what a fart tasted like)

Fast forward a couple of years to when I was in Tasmania For a DJ gig and tried charred Brussel sprouts with I think it was yoghurt and balsamic. Mind blown. Tummy full. Obsessed.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS mutha F became a staple at my place. Best way to do them is to burn the outside basically because it's part of brassica fam like cabbage and broc, these bitches love being charred. I feel it makes them sweeter.

I was kinda experimenting with a little gift I got from Vegemite when I made this and I'm super happy cause well it's bomb.


  • 120g speck or bacon diced

  • 600g brussel sprouts

  • 1.5 tsp Vegemite

  • 1.5 tbsp honey

  • 2 tsp soy sauce

  • Pinch of salt

  • Chives for garnish

  • Smoked paprika


Place the speck or bacon into a small pan on medium heat. You wanna draw the fat out of the speck, so this will take about 5-6 minutes but remember to stir a bit.

While that's happening half the Brussels or not if you cbf.

Add the Vegemite, honey and soy into the pan with the speck, if not much fat came out you'll need to add oil, we are after about 2 tbsp of fat all up, so work it out.

Cook the condiments until they form into a nice uniformed smooth liquid about 2 minutes.

In a baking tray place your Brussels down and cover with the sauce you just made. Making sure it's even.

Now pop it into the oven at 200 for 30-35 minutes turning once half way through until leaves a crispy and sauce is reduced and sticky.

Onto a serving plate cover in a rain of chopped chives and a sprinkle of smoked paprika to amp that bish up

This ones super simple but always one of the firsts to go when place at a dinner table.

Also Google how Brussel sprouts grow its really adorable. OK bye.